The website belongs to SunChine Co., LTD wth a capital of 10 000 euros, registered at Nice France.
Company Name: SunChine S.A.R.L.
SIRET No : 49839212500023
V.A.T. Intracommunautaire No : FR54498392125
Direction : LIU Yi
Head office : 3232 Route du Mont Gros, 06500 Menton - FRANCE
Telephone : 09 80 97 00 33
Fax : 09 85 97 00 33
Lodging: OVH
Zen'Arome is a trademark registered with the National Institute of Intellectual Property. The visitors of recognize that SunChine has exclusive rights on the brand Zen’Arôme and is prohibited from making any use or undermine the rights and brand image.
For further information, please contact our Customer Service by clicking here.
Informatics and Liberties
Zen'Arôme respects your right of privacy. Our aim is to comply with any law relating to the protection of privacy and personal data protection. This commitment reflects our desire to acquire and maintain the confidence of our customers, our business partners and anyone coming into sharing personal information with us.
Zen'Arôme collects and treats information provided by you our visitors. For example, Zen'Arôme may be led to collect data and use it to send you informations, when you declare wish to receive information about a product or when you send a question or email our team. We may also use the information provided on this site in a number of other purposes such as customer management, fraud prevention, improving our products and service or supply information that would interest you, within the limits of the applicable legal rules.
Zen'Arôme may be required to collect information sent automatically by your web browser. This collection may include IP Add, the characteristics of your PC environment (name of your operating system, web browser name ...).
Zen'Arôme may obtain information about you by installing a "cookie". Cookies are used to improve the user experience by saving your preferences or by customizing your online environment. Your browser may offer to provide a pattern of cookies and alert you when a cookie is placed on your computer.
Zen'Arôme not sell personal information collected from this website if you did not expressly consented. In any event, the only data sharing can be operated by a third parties concern that performs services on our behalf service. We ask these third parties to not use the personal information we share with them only for the services for which we work with them. We also ask them to treat your personal information strictly confidential and in accordance with applicable laws regarding the protection of personal data.
In accordance with applicable law you have the right to access and correct your personal data. You have also, for legitimate reasons, the right to object to any processing and to the processing of prospecting without justification or charge. For inquiries, you can contact our customer service via our contact form.